Funeral Home & Crematory
At Shipman Funeral Home and Crematory we have made major innovations in the types of pre-arrangement options we offer, putting our staff among this area's leaders in advance funeral planning. Many "baby boomers" have diverse financial portfolios which include life insurance, investments, IRA's and yes, pre-arranged funerals. Today's trend is toward sensible funeral planning before the need arises. Generally, funeral plans consist of a two-step process: making funeral arrangements and funding their costs. Regardless of your age, price guaranteed pre-arrangements are available. Payment plans are available to fit nearly everyone's budget. Once you've decided to pre-arrange, we invite you to come by the funeral home and speak with a licensed funeral director.
The benefits for pre-planning a funeral are as personal and varied as life itself. These may include: - To relieve grieving relatives of responsibility and any unnecessary hardships; - To become familiar with the many options, requirements and services available; - To feel secure knowing that all details relating to one's funeral are documented; - To personalize one's own funeral service, thus knowing his or her wishes will be fulfilled; - To choose a funeral home; - To record vital information that might otherwise remain unknown; - To complete an estate plan or the final details of a Last Will and Testament.
When you plan ahead, you will be able to compare the many options available. You will be able to compare the services, the products and the prices among different companies. You will have the opportunity to make an informed decision about your funeral and cemetery arrangements.
If you decide to prepay your funeral or burial prearrangements, there are generally two methods to assure the funeral home's and/or cemetery's performance. Your money is either used toward a premium to purchase life insurance or your funds will be deposited into a trust fund account.
If you have a prearranged funeral or burial agreement that is comprised of items that are guaranteed to be performed by the funeral home or cemetery at no additional cost to you, the interest is retained by the funeral home/cemetery to offset the rising costs of those specified goods and services.
Changes are generally possible, but be careful. When changes are made, they oftentimes affect the terms of guarantees that were created under the original agreement. Changing the terms of that agreement could jeopardize one's qualification for assistance.
Prior contractual agreements are not voided simply because a change of ownership occurs. The funeral planning agreement you have with the prior ownership is carried forward with successor owners as part of the purchase agreement.
It's not uncommon to have a small processing fee associated with an early payment, but it should not be construed as a "penalty." In the long run, there is usually a good amount of money to be saved by paying off early.